How to Join:

Our meetups are primarily held online, making it easy for participants from around the world to join. Additionally, we offer exclusive in-person gatherings at my home in Montecito, CA, for a more intimate and personal experience.

For more information and to register for upcoming sessions, please contact me at or visit our Meetup at

Embark on Your Journey:

Join us as we explore the profound wisdom of The Sophia Code and support each other in living our highest potential. Together, we will unlock the mysteries of this sacred text and transform our lives.

With love and light,

Dr. Alicia Journey

Discover the wisdom of

the sophia code

Discover The Sophia Code with Dr. Alicia Journey

Introduction to The Sophia Code:

Welcome to a transformative journey with The Sophia Code, a modern sacred scripture that offers profound teachings and guidance for personal empowerment and spiritual awakening. Authored by Kaia Ra, this remarkable text blends ancient wisdom with contemporary insights, inviting you to unlock your highest potential and embrace your divine nature.

What is The Sophia Code?

The Sophia Code is a spiritual masterpiece that introduces you to the wisdom of the Divine Feminine and the teachings of Ascended Masters. These enlightened beings, including Quan Yin, Isis, Mary Magdalene, and Green Tara, serve as your guides, offering insights and practical tools for your spiritual growth and healing.

Key Concepts:

- Divine Feminine Wisdom: Celebrate the nurturing and powerful qualities of the Divine Feminine, central to the teachings of The Sophia Code.

- Ascended Masters: Learn from a pantheon of enlightened beings from various spiritual traditions who provide mentorship and guidance.

- Self-Empowerment: Embrace your divine nature, overcome limitations, and live authentically through the transformative teachings of The Sophia Code.

- Sacred Text: Engage with a modern sacred scripture that combines ancient mystical traditions with contemporary spiritual insights.

Why Study The Sophia Code with Dr. Alicia Journey?

As a facilitator and teacher, Dr. Alicia Journey offers guided book groups that delve deep into the teachings of The Sophia Code. Here’s why you should join:

1. Expert Facilitation: Benefit from Dr. Alicia’s extensive knowledge and experience in spiritual teachings and personal transformation.

2. Supportive Community: Join a like-minded community where you can share your journey, insights, and growth in a safe and nurturing environment.

3. Practical Application: Engage in guided discussions, meditations, and exercises designed to help you integrate the teachings into your daily life.

4. Personal Growth: Unlock your divine potential, heal past traumas, and step into your true power with the support and guidance of The Sophia Code.