explore your potential together

Step into a transformative experience at The Journey Back Retreats, led by Dr. Alicia Journey, in the enchanting settings of Santa Barbara, CA, and Sedona, AZ. These intimate retreats are designed to help you uncover and harness your inner power, guiding you through a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Each retreat features a unique theme, offering a fresh and enriching experience every time. Dr. Journey's expert guidance will help you tap into your intuitive gifts, overcome limiting patterns, and connect deeply with your true purpose. Engage in powerful ceremonies, insightful teachings, and reflective practices that foster a supportive and connected community.

Join us for a life-changing retreat where you'll find your voice, reclaim your power, and create the life you’ve always envisioned. Embrace the journey back to your true self.

The journey back Retreats

June 21 - 23, 2024

El Capitan Canyon

California, USA

This intimate, women’s only, transformational retreat will be held at the famous at El Capitan ‘Glamping’ Grounds!

Together we will uncover your latent intuitive gifts.

Over the course of 3-days you will learn:

  1. How to tap into your own inner intuition;

  2. How to speak with your DREAM TEAM (guides);

  3. How to listen and watch for Breadcrumbs sent by source;

  4. How to take control over negative forces, patterns and old programming that are holding you back;

  5. How to move from victim to Heroine in your own life;

  6. The Heroine’s Story and how it pertains to your personal journey;

  7. Find and speak your truth;

  8. Find your creative inspiration again;

  9. Discover your own potent power;

  10. Create the life you always knew you were meant to life.

We will be doing a lot of energy clearing and work to get rid of all that isn’t yours or to clear the stagnant or heavy energy to help you get in touch with yourself, your truth and your power so you can act in alignment with your purpose.

The Cost: $750

When: June 21-23

Schedule for the weekend:

  1. Friday:

    • Arrival Time between: 5 - 6 pm;

      1. Please feel free to unpack, unwind and when you are ready, come meet your tribe!

    • Introductory/Fire Ceremonial: 6 pm

      1. We will gather around a sacred circle as a form of initiation for the work we will be doing for the weekend.

      2. Please bring yoga mat/pillows, notepads, writing utensil, objects of significance to offer up during our fire ceremony that you wish to have released and of course any crystal that calls to you.

      3. During this ceremony we will engage in a series of exercises setting the tone for our weekend.

      4. Be prepared for vulnerability, it truly is the vehicle for freedom of self.

      5. We are also inviting all of our helpers, guides and angels including the earth keepers and the natural elements to assist us throughout our sacred time together.

    • Alone/Free Time: 9 - 10 pm

      1. Working on assigned exercise to be completed for group share the next morning.

    • Bed Call/Lights Off/Wind Down: 10 pm

  2. Saturday

    • Early Morning Breakfast at Restaurant: 8 am

    • Free/Time: 8 - 10 am

    • Circle/Lecture Time: 10 - 11 am

    • Break Out Circles with Assignments: 11 - 1 pm

    • Reintegration community circle/sharing: 1-2 pm

    • Free Time/Alone Time/Journal/Reflection: 2-4 pm

    • Evening nature walk: 4-5 pm

    • Dinner: 5 -6 pm

    • Evening Ceremonial Sacred Fire Circle: 6 pm

    • Alone/Free Time: 9 - 10 pm

    • Bed Call/Lights Off/Wind Down: 10 pm

  3. Sunday

    • Early morning walk (optional): 7:30 am

    • Breakfast/Free Time: 8 - 9 am

    • Closing Sacred Circle/Intention Setting/Sharing/Goodbyes: 9 - 10 am

***Please note to keep the cost of the retreat down, we will be supplying coffee, drinks and snacks. All other meals may be bought at the restaurant on site.***

This retreat was intentional designed for a more intimate experience and thus we have kept the numbers low to foster a more closely connected group which allows for us to be more vulnerable and get to the root of issues.

Thank you for trusting me and the process. You’re the most courageous person I know and I am so proud of you.

Love, Alicia